Thursday, February 26, 2009

Florida Gold Orange Juice

When you get an assignment for fresh squeezed orange juice, you know you're in Florida. Such was the case at the BS&P when we we're asked to do some tv commercials for Florida Gold Premium Select. Our first thought was to avoid the breakfast table drink n' smile clichés that you see in most cereal and juice ads. Next was the limited budget, which meant not using a high-priced director and a bunch of actors. So, we came up with an idea to do an affordable tabletop shoot with title cards. Our tongue-n-cheek execution was called 'Lick The Screen' and it was shot in Brooklyn with director Dominick Rossetti. We ended up cutting up some 70 different oranges to get the perfect slice shot. The music was done by Zen Music/NYC and the voice-over talent was the smooth and sexy voice of ex-NFL Films great, Earl Mann.

Credits include Jim Houck, Sherri Fritzson, Joe Perz and myself.